Stay safe from email scams, job fraud, and fake addresses with our AI-driven detection tools. Analyze suspicious content in seconds.
Analyze suspicious job emails to detect potential fraud or phishing attempts.
Free: 3 scans/day (5 with signup).
Identify fraudulent job postings before applying, ensuring your safety.
Free: 1 scan/day (3 with signup).
Detect misleading or "ghost" job listings that may not actually be hiring.
Free: 1 scan/day (3 with signup).
Check if a job listing is real by verifying the address.
Free: 1 scan/day (3 with signup).
Scan iCloud messages for phishing links, fake Apple support messages, and scams.
Free: 3 scans/day (5 with signup).
Enter a suspicious email, job listing, or website address in the scanner.
Our AI scans the input, compares it with scam patterns, and generates a risk assessment.
View the fraud score and detailed insights to decide if the job or email is safe.